Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 10: Good Ol' Boys

(listen to today's theme)
Immediately after writing yesterday's entry, I was approached by a very friendly lady who asked me (the sore thumb city boy using the massive 17-inch laptop in the restaurant) about the Scotty trailer.

I got out of Frog County and kept heading West on I-10. Something that you notice when you enter Texas is, stereotypically, the size of everything. The roads, for some reason, seem wider than in New England or Europe; they are laid with generosity on the land. I had some unnerving experiences with tailgating F-250 pickup trucks and pimped-out, gazillion-inch-chrome-wheel beaters cutting me off. Somehow I am getting a wide picture of the kind of drivers nationwide, which I will post at the end of the trip, perhaps in the form of a antropological map.

Garmin Sandiego guided me to a dead end full of logs. A quick call solved this issue, so I got ready to make a U-turn. Towing a trailer on a narrow dirt road, I got in part of the neigboring field and, as you would expect from a heavy, rear-wheel drive car with almost bald tires, I got stuck. I unhooked the trailer and, once Kevin (halman2228) arrived, I drove out of the shallow ditch I had gotten into.

In no time we were in his backyard, admiring his collection of Mercedes. Two W116s, one R107, one gorgeous cream W113 (my absolute favourite of the bunch) and two W126s: one sedan, one coupe.

"Do you have a swimming suit?" Kevin asked.
"Yes, I used it yesterday in the beach".
"We'll go to my brother's pool".

We changed clothes, but unfortunately we failed to remember to take out cell phones with us, which made it impossible to reach exemplary member H-townbenzoboy. We are terribly sorry for this, my friend!

Down in Kevin's borther's, we were welcomed by an energetic, edgy lady. I met both of Kevin's siblings, one of which owns a stunning, signal red R107 300SL, euro import. Absolutely gorgeous.

Some good talkin', massive platters of BBQ steak, rib and chicken, a case of cold beers and a volleyball tournament took care of the afternoon. Before leaving, I claimed my prize for outstanding sportsmanship, an ice cream sandwich. It was a good day!

On to Kevin's house, I was invited to stay over and charge my electronics. Currently writing from Kevin's dell laptop, I say: Mercedes owners of Dallas, here I come -after a visit to R_Leo, that is.

If you ever wondered what is the frog capital of the world, there you go!

Sometimes clouds get so beautiful one cannot but stop and shoot.

Big-ass refinery in the border with Louisiana.

The eyes of Texas are upon me, this time.

Texas is NOT a deserted land! Take that, stereotypes!

Much to my shame, Newport is not a 4x4.

Halman2228's workshop area, a collection of pristine rust-prone jewels.

Mercedes, trees and friendly dogs. Who wouldn't?

Kevin's fluffy creatures. The big one demands constant petting.

A great, relaxed afternoon of Texas hospitality.

Watching the "CatDog" theme. Halman2228 (Kevin) is the middle guy.

This is the best "Welcome to Texas" ever!

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